Community New Moon Sangha

In Sanskrit, the word Sangha means “to bring together” and is the general word for “community”. It can refer to a flock of crows or a herd of deer. It can also be extended to encompass all sentient beings – all inhabitants of a unified ecosystem – as members of a single Sangha. Historically, in ancient India, members would gather twice a month, on the full moon and the new moon, to acknowledge their deep interconnectedness with each other and all of life.
Currently, the gift of technology enables us to connect with our human family scattered all across the world! In this sacred virtual gathering, we introduce a modern-day topic of discussion and how the application of the ancient wisdom of yogic philosophy pertains to it. All are welcomed and encouraged to join, whether you have previous yoga experience or not. Community Sangha is complimentary for members of the OM Monthly Membership. This event is for an inclusive group that is both open-minded and open-hearted. There is the opportunity to contribute or simply observe. This hour-long gathering culminates in a brief guided pranayama (breath play) and meditation experience.
One of the most remarkable aspects of yoga is it’s welcoming community of luminous beings. When practicing alongside others there is a very real sense of unspoken – but very much felt – support, compassion, and love. We are very much able to connect our hearts, through the quantum field, even at a physical distance. As we hold the mirror of Soul reflection for our brothers and sisters, and support each other virtually (for now), our hearts grow fonder.
I’ve created an online community of the most awesome blossoms I know and all are welcomed to join. Do you enjoy cultivating knowledge and wisdom with a group of like-minded, heart-centered beings? Do you crave connection, support, inspiration, and fun? It’s more important than ever for us to come together as One. Twice a month you experience a Sangha via Zoom including:
- An innovative topic of discussion that explores how the ancient principles of the art of Yoga apply to modern-day life
- Guided pranayama (breath play)
- A brief meditation journey
- The opportunity to ask questions, make requests for future Zoom classes, and share what is present for you or hold space for others in our sacred virtual circle
The Sangha events are included in the OM Monthly membership.
Sangha occurs from12pm to 1pm PST/3pm to 4pm EST. Please sign up before 10am PST/1 pm EDT to receive the Zoom link. Sanghas occur on the following dates for 2024:
Community New Moon Sanghas 2025
Jan 29 | Jul 23 |
Feb 28 | Aug 22 |
Mar 29 | Sep 21 |
Apr 27 | Oct 21 |
May 26 | Nov 19 |
Jun 25 | Dec 19 |
*Dates subject to change. This calendar will be updated, please check back in to confirm.